Monday, October 25, 2010

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Act Lagarde and freedom of choice of your loan insurance: insurance compare what?

If Reform Act Consumer Credit entry into force on 1 September 2010 can choose their insurance borrower, should we still know where to go!

  • The credit insurance group of the bank: a good basis for reflection
The lending bank will offer you no doubt borrower to obtain insurance at his desk. If the proposal is worth studying, it should also be compared.
Safety Contract banking group, announced by your financial adviser as a crucial element of choice is a quasi quibble. Indeed, the bank acts only as an intermediary in the contract of loan insurance.
Step back and also on arguments presented by some other comparative banking networks. They are designed clothing for marketing services and aim to complete to convince you that the best insurance solution borrower ... it is theirs!
But please, take possession of these documents and forge you an opinion, after a study of contradictory arguments will be presented by other insurers.

  • Insurance by delegation: some incumbents
April , Cardif are trademarks of insurance that you are not totally foreign ?
is normal, one is the pioneer of the insurance borrower delegation, while the second is the individual insurer's BNP Paribas.
If they unquestionably know how in the security of the borrowers, they are not necessarily the lowest bidders, both in terms of guarantees, as prices ... Competition forces.

  • few challengers Assurance ready ... to look closely
Alptis , Afi Europe, Aprep, UGIP , Cube insurance however are virtually unknown the general public. These operators reserve some good nonetheless surprises for borrowers who can find (very aggressive rates for rental investors in Alptis, premium rate "soft" for seniors in UGIP, guarantees solid performance and rates on loans in Long Cube ...)

  • The insurance brokerage borrower: a simple and rapid
By contacting a brokerage firm specializing insurance borrower, as CAPV insurance, you can have access to a panel of selected contracts which you can more easily achieve your insurance comparison.
However, pay attention to some indicators present on the internet, they are not insurance brokers, but mere "contact card vendors" who will not hesitate to give your details to a multitude of operators at the expense of your peace ... and efficiency needed for your project.

  • To obtain your insurance quote comparison borrower, go to page:


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Measurement Act or Footage Boutin Boutin

The Act applies from Boutin Law No. 2009-323 of 25 Article 78 March 2009. It
for new leases empty residence. "The lease specifies the surface area of the rented property."

It is mandatory to clarify the living area (Law Act Boutin Boutin or measurement) of the property leased to the signing of the lease. This requirement applies only to rent an unfurnished apartment and principal residences (apartments or houses). The apartments, seasonal and secondary are not affected by this obligation measuring law or Footage Boutin Boutin law.

Boutin Act does not take into consideration the space occupied by walls, partitions, doorways and windows, chimneys, ducts, stairs and stairwells, and the height less than 1 , 80 meter.

Friday, October 22, 2010

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Legal protection insurance: the state and insurers work together to enhance access to law

Legal aid should enable everyone to exercise his rights in court. To develop the paid legal and solutions relief budget of legal aid, the state is now working with insurance companies. Three lines of inquiry were launched:

1. Improving the process of "subsidiarity" of legal aid
Insurers propose to simplify the procedure subsidiarity, previously very complex to implement, and to define more precisely those potentially affected.

2. Launch a communication campaign on the legal protection insurance
Through a communication campaign, insurers want to show the interest to take out legal expenses insurance to facilitate the settlement of disputes of everyday life that each may face.

3. Expanding the fields of legal protection
Insurance companies want to commit to expanding the scope of legal protection. Thus, the insured may freely take out insurance for legal protection auto, consumer, family, real estate, work, ... depending on personal circumstances.

To facilitate the action of the insured, Capvis offers a comparative insurance simple and intuitive.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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Claims PASS-GRL, the APAGL at fault?

The APAGL, association designed to facilitate access to housing through the promotion guarantees leasehold, was also the body designated to manage rent arrears claims Contract PASS-GRL .

PASS-GRL: difficulties to cope with the consequences of the economic crisis.

"I had to send my file 3 times in just four months before getting a response from the APAGL on conditions of care!" gives us a patient owner lessor.

Clearly, APAGL lacking in the management of claims unpaid rent or property damage. It must be said that Team management of the association was quickly overwhelmed by the volume of records claim, result in massive layoffs associated with the credit crisis.

LRG 2: the insurer is placed in the heart of the device.

While Convention PASS-GRL originally limited intervention by the insurer to the marketing contracts, the new agreement expands the scope of intervention.

Since 26/12/2009, the date of the new LRG , the insurer is also entrusted with the management claims. Traffic jams are therefore limited, thanks to a better load distribution between operators.

Moreover, competition between insurance companies signed the agreement will require them to offer better service quality.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

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A new guarantee of unpaid rents for commercial leases

If you are the owner of trade walls, you can now insure your rent thanks to the Warranty Unpaid Rent Trade .

Amid economic crisis, corporate defaults rise.

The credit market crisis has rapidly achieved the economic fabric.
Thus the failure of commercial enterprises (businesses) has increased by 20% in 3 years.
In this context the owners of the trade walls, and especially isolated donors are exposed to the risk of unpaid rent.

Kit Lessor Commerce, the security of commercial rents.

To guard against the risk of unpaid rents, insurance CAPV offers donors an isolated Warranty Unpaid Rent Trade solid:
  • guaranteed rents up to 5000 euros per month to 18 months
  • care
  • Fee debt recovery and litigation included

Society insurance brokerage offers an online form to complete your quote Kit Lessor Commerce.

More information:

Monday, October 4, 2010

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Deposit Insurance solidarity VS Unpaid Rent: choose what guarantee

Since the publication of the law in March 2009 Boutin, landlords are reluctant often between the drafting of a deed of surety and purchase an insurance unpaid rent.
Overview of two solutions for you to choose the best security for your rental investment.

The deed of surety: the cheapest and easiest?

Often landlords think it is simpler, more empowering and less expensive to use a surety. However, this legal act is not without dangers:
  • To be valid, the act of surety must be handwritten and adhere to a precise formulation . Otherwise, the legal act may be void and you will have no recourse against the guarantor for the payment of unpaid rent your . Tip: To avoid invalidation of the deed of surety, you can use a template validated legally available on specialized sites.
  • To be exploitable, the deed of surety must be provided by a guarantor residing tax in France. If this seems obvious At first glance, the employee part of a transnationals presented as a guarantor ideal may be far less interesting if in the meantime, he is an expatriate in Dubai or China ...
  • To be solvent, the guarantor must have sufficient resources actually . While it is commonly accepted that a tenant must not make an effort to rent more than one third of its revenues, the guarantor when with him, has the burden of rent (or credit) payable. Therefore a margin of additional financial security.
  • Finally, the MAP and contentious implementation should be performed routinely in duplicate (one destined for the tenant, the other copy to the guarantor)
However, the act of surety has the advantage of being very economical and provides sufficient security when it is made under good conditions.

Insurance unpaid rent: the most expensive and safer?
  • If insurers are known difficult to pay, they at least have the merit of having a known address. Also, some difficulties may have provided for compensation are often proportional to the complexity of the insurance claim (disputed circumstances, neglect evident in the constitution of the tenant file, not the timeliness of reporting the claim for unpaid rent etc ...)
  • Insurance Unpaid Rent is a contract which obliges the parties who signed it. If possible interpretation of texts, the judge will have no qualms about deciding in favor of the insured, be considered unprofessional.
  • Seek a warranty unpaid rent or grl , requires rigor in constructing the record tenant (ask the latest pay slips to the tenant based on the effective date of the lease and not not depending on the date of incorporation of "pre-file", often several weeks earlier; accept photocopies of documents provided that the tenant delivers the original simultaneously ...) you avoid administrative difficulties with your insurer on the day of the accident. The insurance
  • cost, which varies according to the guarantees offered (warranty period of rent ceilings capital when damage to property, limits of support for litigation costs, etc. ...). Generally the rate of insurance unpaid rent is a price ranging from 2.50% to 4% of the rent charges included.
The price of an insurance unpaid rent can be put into perspective given its tax deductibility in the income category of land (Art.31 of the CGI).

Reminder: accumulation insurance and surety Imay rents are prohibited

Except in special cases (student apartments and rentals) , the accumulation of unpaid rent and a guarantee of a deed of surety are prohibited by law since Boutin March 2009.

Need a quote insurance unpaid rent?

Get your personalized quote insurance rent or grl with a few clicks: