After DAS Insurance ; (100% subsidiary of MMA) and CIMB (insurance agents Fnaim) , Mutual Alsace Lorraine is also involved in the new device insurance LRG, also known as LRG 2.
LRG 2: A forced march to launch?
Born December 26, 2009, after signing the new agreement between APAGL, the FFSA (French Federation of Insurance Companies) and GEMA (Association of Mutual Insurance) , the LRG 2 struggled to find relays among insurers.
Indeed, the abrupt termination of the old device PASS-GRL the benefit of the new Tenants' Risk Guarantee Universal had put the insurance companies with a fait accompli.
Therefore landlords have had to wait 13 February 2010 appear to show the first contract insurance LRG 2, proposed by the distribution of DAS .
Universal Risk Guarantee Flats, to more choices.
With the coming of the Mutual Alsace Lorraine in the device LRG 2, landlords will have more choice among branded products LRG.
The new contract will be available from insurance brokers network Solly Azar or online on the website , starting October 1 2010.
To easily obtain your insurance quote or LRG insurance unpaid rent and purchase your policy in minutes, visit:
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