Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Make An A3 In Powerpoint

Another similar case, a Velo'v

A similar misfortune experienced by a Vélo'veur Lyon, luckiest me, because its security has not been charged, but that speaks volumes about the attitude adopted by JC Decaux on the reliability problems of its computer system (in Win $ ows!): it is the end user who pays always pots broken failures system, which is always found guilty and bad faith :

The same misfortune happened to me 2 years ago: I have not managed to get the bike.
The most annoying in this case is that for convenience, the user even in good faith is presumed guilty .

And yet I have not been idle ...
I really felt dirty trick, I tried calling vélo'v but guess what: it was more than 20 hours, impossible to contact anyone.
I had to take the bus in the process, I carefully kept the ticket on which one can see the line and time stamp - which I subsequently sent to vélo'v.

Velo'v In the computer system, it was clearly marked as vélo'v I tried to take over the terminal remained roughly from 20:45 to 1:30 in the morning, at which time he was captured ... according Vélo'v: of course by me - I have hanging around 4am before I say TFW should go now, children?

The next morning, I was able to reach customer service. Following this call, they were not exceptionally me take my deposit on, and search bike and if they find him, he did not want anything back.

I can not count the number of calls, each time the same old story. With sometimes comical remarks: * When
vélo'v status are "badly hung," yes there is a warning. But you know sir, there are problems in all stations, not enough people to handle it is like this.
* You have failed to pick up the bike? But you know, there is yet a simple and well known thieves who manage to get even locked - by the way, I asked about this technique to save me from future conflicts, but no answer
* After 4 or 5 strokes son, they told me they saw that the bike was much remained to terminal 4h, but he was still under my responsibility
* After a dozen strokes son, they said maybe they could not take that famous bail if I filed a complaint for theft - I'll spare you the details of this step in the police, I I make the feet and hands to agree to record my statement, for stealing a bike that was not mine ... I

parallel vélo'v contacted in writing, the great lyon etc ... but to no avail: the bike was under my responsibility, apart from a refund in good and due form, no hello.

history has ended with a letter, one month and a half later, JCDecaux, which taught me to have found the vélo'v. And thanks to this (and only this) and in their great kindness, they saved me from the imposition of bail this time, but I had to be careful because everything was clearly my fault , still .

I really learned the lesson, and now I save myself any trouble by not taking more vélo'v.


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